Course 可访问性 Review Process

A Course 可访问性 Review is a way for 密歇根州立大学丹佛 instructors to get an expert’s view on the accessibility of an entire course. This is an in-depth process, in which the Instructional 可访问性 Group commits 6 hours of time, including time for coordination, preparation and the following four steps: 

  1. 准备. 会议: The instructor and a member of the Instructional 可访问性 Group will meet for 30 minutes to make plans and discuss the course. They will agree on the following:
    1. How the course 材料 will be accessed by IAG staff
    2. Any high priority course components that should get extra attention
    3. A specific time for the follow-up meeting
  2. Instructional 可访问性 Work: IAG Staff will spend up to four hours assessing the accessibility of all aspects of the course including learning outcomes, 材料, 活动, 评估, 工具, 等. For recurring types of 材料, a sampling of each will be reviewed. 例如, a few (but not all) of the Microsoft Word documents, 画布页面, 教学视频, 家庭作业, 等.
  3. 概述了结果: IAG staff will spend up to an hour writing up the results of the Course 可访问性 Review. Unique issues will be listed individually, while common issues will be illustrated with a few examples. Also included are recommended steps to fix the issues and relevant instructional accessibility resources.
  4. 后续会议: The instructor and IAG staff will have a follow-up 30-minute meeting to talk about the results.



For reference, here are some of the most common instructional accessibility issues: 

  • Captions have errors and must be edited so that they are 100% accurate. 
  • 画布页面 need structure and text coding. 
  • PDF documents need to be converted to text (using Optical Character Recognition) and/or reading order needs to be adjusted. 
  • Third-party 工具 and resources are not accessible and need to be replaced or removed. 
  • Hyperlinks need to be displayed in ways that indicate their purpose.



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